Jim Beachler has worked in all aspects of affordable housing finance and understands the underpinnings of the way that local, state, and national capital markets work in disaster recovery and housing preservation and development markets. His experience includes consulting in hurricane recovery, Neighborhood Stabilization Program and HOME funded activities, and arranging financing for affordable rental development and recapitalization efforts.
His disaster recovery experience includes work in the state of New Jersey in the design and implementation of the $70 million Landlord Rental Repair Program. He also has assisted multiple state, county, city, and non-profit groups nationwide in their Neighborhood Stabilization Program efforts. He previously worked on the design and implementation of the $435 million rental housing rehabilitation program in post- Katrina Louisiana. The efforts in these Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funded initiatives includes work on policies and procedures, construction progress and monitoring, Uniform Relocation Act, and related federal requirements.
Prior to 2006 he led the multifamily tax exempt and taxable bond investment business for Fannie Mae, investing over $10 billion in 1,200 transactions across the country. He also has experience leading state and local Housing Finance Agency mortgage and bond programs, including stints at the Rhode Island Housing Mortgage Finance Corporation and the Montgomery County (MD) Housing Opportunities Commission. During his tenure in Rhode Island he served as a principal of the Rhode Island Housing Equity fund, a pioneering state tax credit equity fund.
The experience also includes facilitating the investment nationwide in properties that use tax-exempt and taxable bond, other federal, state, and locally assisted programs, and conventional apartment financing with Low Income Housing Tax Credit and private equity.
JMB Preservation Advisors
5537 Spence Plantation Lane
Holly Springs, NC 27640
Cell: (301)-661-4191
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